Coffee Java (Java coffee) is coffee comes from the island of Java in Indonesia. This coffee is well known that the name of the Java become the name of identity for coffee.
Indonesian Java coffee does not have the same form as the Sumatra and Sulawesi coffee, the taste is not too rich as coffee from Sumatra or Sulawesi because most Java coffee is wet processed (wet process). Even so, most of the Java coffee remove thin aroma of spices that makes it better than other types of coffee. Java coffee has low acidity combined with soil conditions, air temperature, weather, and air humidity. The most famous Java coffee is Jampit and Blawan. The old Java coffee beans (called old-brown) in great shape, and low acid levels. This with a strong coffee flavor, thick, sweet coffee flavor. Java Arabica coffee production is centered in the middle of Ijen Mountains, in the eastern tip of the island of Java, with an altitude of 1400 meters mountains. This coffee was first cultivated by the Dutch in the 18th century on a large estate.
Indonesian Java coffee does not have the same form as the Sumatra and Sulawesi coffee, the taste is not too rich as coffee from Sumatra or Sulawesi because most Java coffee is wet processed (wet process). Even so, most of the Java coffee remove thin aroma of spices that makes it better than other types of coffee. Java coffee has low acidity combined with soil conditions, air temperature, weather, and air humidity. The most famous Java coffee is Jampit and Blawan. The old Java coffee beans (called old-brown) in great shape, and low acid levels. This with a strong coffee flavor, thick, sweet coffee flavor. Java Arabica coffee production is centered in the middle of Ijen Mountains, in the eastern tip of the island of Java, with an altitude of 1400 meters mountains. This coffee was first cultivated by the Dutch in the 18th century on a large estate.
Sumatra coffee is one of the varieties of coffee from Sumatra are the most delicate texture and flavor of the most severe and complex among various coffee in the world. Most processed Sumatran coffee is dry (dry-processed), but partly by mild washing process (semi-washed). Sumatra coffee is very famous from Lampung are grown in the south coast of the island of Sumatra. Sumatra coffee is growing more toward the West known as Gayo Mountain coffee. Sumatra Gayo coffee is described as coffee-flavored sweet and clean. Coffee experts who want to buy Sumatran coffee typically see the oldness of Sumatran coffee . These coffee spend a sense of "land" and "spice". This is a unique Sumatran coffee thus making it one of the most sought after coffee in the coffee types that exist in the world.